I knew once Caleb came time would fly, and it has. We have been very busy with feeding and normal baby stuff, but also have had a couple adventures out. When Caleb was 4 weeks i decided to meet my parents at Pismo beach and camp (in a nice trailer, so no dirt and bugs we couldn't get a way from. It was awesome.) We walked the pier and roasted marshmallows, did little nature hikes, and saw the biggest frog I've ever seen.

A shot of Pismo Beach and me, It was beautiful and a lot like a Florida coast beach, with long flat sand forever, cars driving on the beach, and a lagoon inland a tad. The water was colder though.

My parents were great with taking lizzy for walks and climbing trees, so i could get a nap or rest here and there.

There were these giant geese that roamed the campground. Very loud, but luckily no attacking of small children, Lizzy loved to chase them off.

A beautiful, warm, and exciting day at the beach, okay not warm, it was very windy and my dad found warmth within.

Caleb's perch. He pretty much lived on the couch, but he was happy as could be. The campground was right on a lagoon, and covered from the windy beaches by trees, which was nice, but resulted in lots of mesquitos, so caleb stayed in doors most the time and we sprayed off on the rest of us, and surprisingly came away with no bites.

Lizzy and Caleb showing off for the camera

Enjoying the outdoors! WE love camping with grandma and grandpa.