Friday, May 30, 2008

Shout out to my Hubby

CJ works some long and hard hours especially lately and i want him to know i am grateful for all his hard work. And on top ot that i am so impressed with how much he has accomplished and learned doing business over the last 3 years. I was thinking today how he has had his business for 3 years now, okay i guess 2.5 ,but if you say since 2005 it sounds longer. anyway just thought i'd post some of his latest work! (so all of you can be impressed too)



before and after pics are the best!

Congrats to Darren and Manda!

We are so excited to have Baby Nyali here, and i know Manda was more than ready. It was a long horrible labor, but still a reward at the end. Congrats you guys and so glad you are close, so we get to hang out. and snuggle with Nyali

(for those that don't know Darren is my little bro)

Potty Party Sucess!

Well it has been weeks in the preparing and planning and shopping but it worked!

I read this book "Potty train your child in just one day" by teri crane. the whole idea of the book is to have a big potty theme party. I chose the beach theme because lizzy loves the ocean and swimming. So the idea was to give liz a doll that wets in the morning and have her train the doll, then after nap liz would get big girl panies and have a go herself. (Another reason i thought this would work for Lizzy is cause she loves her baby dolls and she LOVES parties and presents. (i know what kid doesn't, but everytime we go to a party she is adament it is her birthday too! So anyway long story short she wanted to put "big girls" on after just an hour with the doll in the morning, and then at lunch, for baby's party she was again adament that it was her party. So we adapted and threw away lizzy's diapers along with baby's. SO because of Lizzy's determination, and not wanting to be flexible and do it mom's way (or the books) we adjusted. But i am still pleased to say it worked out. We had about 4 succsses and 3 accidents(not to mention one was at our friends on tuesday when we started. Not bad for a first day. But Lizzy went full force and then some. WEd, thurs, and fri so far NO ACCIDENTS (don't worry i am knocking on wood right now). We even went to the park for 3 hours yesterday and two successful trips to the bathroom there. i mentioned and then some , because Lizzy is either overly concerned of having an accident, or she wants a sticker for trying, or the attention of mom following her to the bathroom, because she goes in to sit on the potty usually 3 or 4 times in between the times she really does go. But better that way than accidents on the floor! Anyway i know it goes back to her being ready and nothing i probably did, i'm just glad it is going so well and hopefully no regression! Here are some pics from the party!

The living room set up as the beach

Lizzy loved surfing

Lizzy's reward for no more diapers, a bike and a few beach toys

Lizzy and her potty party baby (the hats say potty animal)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

We finally went on vacaion

Now many of you may not think that going to utah is a vacation, but anywhere with a change of scenery and living out of a suitcase is a vacation to me. However you look at it we had a blast! CJ's brother Danny graduated again!!! with another masters or something of that sort :) (Congrats again!) And our nephew Ben was Baptized, which left a mark on Lizzy. The other day as we were driving the primary song Baptized came on and she said, "Jesus baptized like Lucas" well she had the idea (Lucas is Ben's younger brother) She totally put it together! i was very impressed. We also got to be there for baby Rachel's blessing.
well i got a head of my self. Starting out the week we drove from san diego to vegas, where we had a 'free' two nights at imperial palace from a time share presentation. it ended up being fun, but we weren't so sure in the beginning. It was my first time ever to vegas, and while it is a lot of lights and impressive buildings, there is a different feel, at least were we were on the strip. But after arguing a little with the hotel we finally got a quiet room and no smoke, which was a safe haven away from the casino downstairs and all the characters that attracts. I serioulsy thought someone was going to come up and tell me it was illegal to have a 2 year old there. Anyway Lizzy loved the hotel stay...

So tuesday was a beautiful day and we set out to take in vegas, we had no idea where or what we were doing but we heard there was a aquarium at Mandalay Bay so we saw it on the monorail map and headed off, problem was the stop was a couple miles from the resort, we braved it anyway: no stroller+ 80 degree = big problem. not to mention Lizzy is such a mama's girl, she won't let CJ do anything for her. as seen in this pic when mom couldn't hold her any longer and made her go to daddy!

Finally indoors and the aquarium, at least there was one there!

After vegas we headed to Utah and stayed with Jill and Micah (good friends from byuh) We had a great time and can you believe it snowed while we were there. 80 degrees one day two days later snow. But it was still fun to see it, we haven't see snow for a loooooooooong time and lizzy never had.

We had a great time visiting with the smiths and our friends, the Brouwers, came to see us, (congrats again to Paul for making the cut to be a seminary teacher... we are still anxious to hear where!) Also thanks Tara for taking me out to lunch! Sorry to others we missed while there, the time went toooo fast, but we hope to see you soon!
Friday we headed up to Tooele to see my bro and family. We had a great time and they have all the pics from there. We went to temple sguare and no Lizzy will say, " Bye Bye i'm going temple square, see you later, i love you" this is a commom phrase recently, but she subs in school, meeting, temple, as she feels the need, so since utah and seeing her cousin halle she sometimes adds i'm going to 'temple square, get married' We also played a great game, with trains and the us map, can't quite remember the name , but it was really fun.
Then we went up to Ogden for the baptism and blessing on sunday in Clinton. We enjoyed each part of our trip, but decided sunday afternoon we'd better drive to vegas and break up the long trip on monday. So thanks to Kyle and Sam (Cj's high school friend) offering a place to stay in vegas we made it home monday afternoon in time to take care of a major work crisis.....
his employee put unleaded gas in his 2007 Ford Diesel Truck. OOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPSSSS
Don't worry....a Tow, $758, 2 days, and no insurance to help us out (after they said they would) its as good as new! A big grain of salt after a great vacation!